Get started now and we will schedule a quick demo to walk you through the platform, show you the ropes, and even get you moved over for free.
On average, it takes less than 24 hours to get new customers set up and ready to go. We pride ourselves on ensuring a quick turnaround!
A big benefit to working with us is that we like to build personal relationships with our customers. As such, we always encourage an onboarding/kick-off call. This call is the perfect medium for a detailed product walk-through and asking questions.
At the moment, we do not offer a free trial. Management software and its value is primarily based on the automation it creates(payments, communication, etc.). Therefore, fully understanding the value during a trial phase is hard.
Send us a spreadsheet or export tenant/property information from your existing software system. From there, we handle the rest.
Book a demo and we will walk you through the platform and show you why we are the #1 Child Care Management System.